Saturday, June 19, 2010


This is my favorite movie, and in my mind, no other movie even comes close to it. It is based on Margaret Mitchell's 1936 novel of the same name.

Gone With the Wind is a movie I have been watching since my childhood, but a few years ago, I decided to read the book as well. I thought I might mess things up a bit by watching the movie first, then reading the book, as movies rarely follow their paper predecessors very closely. However, reading the book was almost the same as watching the movie. The movie didn't include Scarlett's oldest two children, Beau and Ella, but they were rather boring and unloved anyways. Other than that, the movie stuck pretty closely, and I am happy.

The movie, and book, follow the life of Scarlett O'Hara during the American Civil War and Reconstruction. I won't say too much about the movie, because some people might read this and think they know all there is to know about it, and not watch/read this wonderful piece of art. Instead, I will sum it up very briefly: Scarlett is the spoiled daughter of and Irish plantation owner; in love with Ashley Wilkes for the longest time; builds up a business for herself after the war, which is extremely frowned upon, not only because she's a woman, but because she does business with Yankees; marries Rhett Butler and has a child who dies trying to jump a fence, "just like Pa"; Melanie Wilkes, long-time frenemy, dies and Scarlett's life suddenly become more focused, ironically just as Rhett is leaving her.

This movie is full of great quotes, one of them being, "Tomorrow is another day." And the soundtrack is just wonderful, in my opinion. The song played at the very beginning is the best wordless song I've ever heard.

I could say a lot more about this movie, but if I keep going I know I'll never stop. I will leave it at that and throw a big recommendation out there that everyone should see this movie before dying.

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