Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Review of BAMBI

Bambi is not a classic Disney movie for no good reason. There's nothing scary about it, unless you're afraid of watching a deer die, in which case you are not from Saskatchewan. If a movie is happy and not scary, I have nothing to complain about. I did find it sad when I was younger, but now that I'm older and know that death is a part of life, I realize that it was just Bambi's mother's time to go.

I really like this movie because it follows a deer as he grows up. Who doesn't enjoy watching a deer make his way through life? All the wacky friends he makes along the way just add to the goodness of the film. I like the owl and the rabbit, Thumper, and I kind of even like the sexually-confused skunk, Flower. But I think the best character is Bambi's father, the great stag of the forest. He walks around so proud and regal, similar to Queen Elizabeth, whom I also enjoy. I don't know if it's right to admire a cartoon deer, but I do.

I really liked the music this film had. That kind of music just relaxes you and gives you a feeling similar to sitting on the beach at Chitek Lake. That's what always came to my mind when the music played.

One thing I did not like about this movie was the way they depicted hunters. Yes, sometimes they may leave their campfire unattended thereby begin a forest fire, but that could happen to anyone. Hunters will not, however, shoot everything they happen to see. In Bambi, the hunters are shooting at quail, deer, owls, rabbits, skunks, chipmunks, gophers, and a variety of other forest creatures. Well no wonder PETA exists: they probably watched Bambi and believed that's what hunters actually do. Russell is a hunter, and when he's hunting, he tries to conserve bullets, not throw them around like they're free. Also, there are seasons for these animals! Hunters can't just walk into a forest and take out every animal they see!

That is my only complaint about this movie. Otherwise, I give it about a 7 on a scale of 0-10.

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