Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I found The Maltese Falcon to be a very boring movie. I am not really into mystery movies, so perhaps that is why it didn't find it interesting. The story was hard to follow and I was mildly confused at some points.

I don't like to sit through a movie, asking questions the whole way through, and have to wait until the end to find the answers. I like movies that are simple and easy to understand. I go to school to be confused, so I like my movies to be plain and entertaining.

I have to give credit to the acting. Of course, with a cast including Humphrey Bogart and Mary Astor, it is expected to be great. The actors did a great job of keeping suspense in the air, and there was no weak acting that I noticed.

Just because I did not like this movie does not mean I wouldn't recommend watching it. I'm not much for mysteries except Scooby Doo, but I'm sure this will be considered a classic for real mystery junkies.

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